Sunday, April 17, 2011

Art Journal: Time Time Time Time Time!

We did some art journaling together one morning--  paints, colored pencils, magazine pictures, felt pens, crayons...  we had so much fun we went past 1pm without lunch!  AND we weren't done!

But it was a GOOD start.  For me, making these journal pages, and working on them on the following days, really crystallized how i really feel, and what i really need to do in my life today.

Unfortunately, i wasn't able to take pictures of the process from beginning to end, so all can show here are the way the pages look now...

On that first morning, i just painted a lot of backgrounds (4 spreads of backgrounds!)  ....  and pasted pictures on the first spread.

On the second night, i added pictures to the first spread, and some painted words and squiggles...

On the third night, i added pictures to the second, the third and the fourth spread, which are all still in a process of evolution.....

... Although i haven't been able to work on my Art Journal Everyday,  it still has been so much fun, and so heart-nourishing, to create these pages.  And i will go on!